Active Rain Real Estate Network

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2 new Foundations I want to brag about

Dan ( my husband) sits on the board of 2 great organizations that I want to talk about.

The first one is Avance and that organization's goal is to help young families break through the cycle of poverty through childhood development, parenting , adult literacy and healthy marriage. I have personally met some of the families that have been through this program and it is amazing what a difference this program has made in their families lives. Take a look at the web site.

The second one is the Rio Grande Cancer Foundation and they are a home grown cancer foundation started in 1996 and they do numerous events in El Paso to raise money for the foundation and even have an extensive cancer library called" The Green House" Please check out this web site too.

I also wanted to give an El Paso Real Estate update too.

Our market is actually good right now. We have lots of homes on the market but list price to sales price is still pretty close as sellers are helping alot with closing costs so buyers are paying closer to list price in return.

We are starting to see quite a few military buyers in the market now and I personally have not had many problems getting any of my buyers that I am working with approved or any appraisal problems either. It may take a few days more to get homes closed but we have started to factor that into closing dates now so that the frustration level goes down.

Now is still a great time to buy a home in El Paso, TX so let me know how we can help you